Speed Reading

About this training

Do you often wonder how to struggle through the huge amounts of information that is coming to you? Still got plenty of e-mails left to reply to? And what about those huge piles of documents and dossiers? Not to mention all the interesting articles and professional literature in your to-do list.  The problem is: there just isn't enough time.

In the "Efficient Speed-Reading" training course, we will learn how to deal with information in a more efficient way, through practical exercises.  Optimization of our reading methods will enable us to absorb more information. Just put your obsolete, slow reading habits aside and experience for yourself the progress you could make by using an adapted reading strategy. The time saved will make a nice gift to yourself. 


This practice-oriented and interactive training course consists of the following modules:

  • Determining your present level of reading efficiency
  • Defining and eliminating bad reading habits
  • Understand how your brains process information and how your brain allows you to read
  • Learning and optimal use of different reading techniques
  • Dealing with various types of texts and documents
  • Setting a reading target
  • Recognizing structure, key words and signal words

Target group

The "Fast and Efficient Reading"' training course is aimed at anyone who needs to absorb plenty of written information for professional reasons (e.g. reports, professional literature, notes, study material, dossiers, ...) and wants to speed up and optimize this process. This course is ideal if you feel overwhelmed by huge amounts of information due to high work pressure and when there is no time left for you to focus on new developments in your own field of specialty. 


This is a hands-on interactive workshop. You will quickly learn how to use the simple basic rules to process information faster through concrete exercises.
You'll also learn to optimally recognize structure in texts and documents in order to unlock information and new insights more efficiently.



This result-oriented training course will enable you to:

  • Absorb and memorize information better and faster
  • Reduce huge amounts of texts to the main and essential points
  • Maintain a better structure and overview when reading documents
  • Improve your productivity and effectiveness
  • Comprehend reports and documents with more focus and concentration

In this active workshop, you will not only learn how to read faster, but also not to lose your comprehension, as a result of which you will be able to process and memorize  information in a better way. 


Choose the desired date and location for this training.

Gent - Expert Academy

Bibliotheekstraat 8/301, 9000 Ghent

Wed 3.09.2025 (09h00 to 17h00)


€ 795,00(VAT excluded)

Max. 8 participants