How to Conduct Motivating Performance Interviews

About this training

Very often, performance interviews are considered as a necessary evil: "a useless ritual", "doesn't lead to anything", "the promises of last year have not yet been lived up to", "one-directional communication", ... These are just some of the often justifiable objections that people tend to have towards performance interviews.

How can this prevented and how can this situation be transformed in such a way that performance interviews become a useful instrument for managing and steering your staff? In this training, you will learn how to deal with this issue in an inspiring and result-oriented way. 


The following themes are addressed:

  • The key role of the supervisor as a manager in the course of the performance interview
  • The required competences of the supervisor who conducts the performance interview
  • The challenge towards setting and achieving clearly defined goals
  • The ideal mental framework for a constructive interview
  • Two basic attitudes in the interview: directive - participative
  • Dealing with difficult situations: saying no  - how to admit mistakes
  • Learning how to identify points of attention and how to give positive feedback: what are the points which require further attention, are there any traps or pitfalls and which techniques should be used.

Target group

The course entitled "How to Conduct Motivating Performance Interviews" is aimed at department heads, department executives, HR staff members, HR managers, ...  In other words this course is intended for anyone who wants to motivate and steer his/her staff or team members in a more effective way. 


Deze praktijkgerichte training is vooral gebaseerd op concrete oefeningen aan de hand van doelgerichte opdrachten en rollenspellen. Deze opleiding wordt steeds aangepast aan de organisatiecultuur en de competenties van de deelnemers. Er wordt optimaal gebruik gemaakt van effectieve technieken en methodes die ons helpen om motiverende functioneringsgesprekken te voeren. 



Na deze training:

  • Beheers je een aantal technieken die je toelaten om op effectieve wijze competentiegerichte functioneringsgesprekken te voeren.
  • Heb je meer inzicht om objectief te evalueren op basis van competenties.
  • Haal je als leidinggevende meer resultaat uit je evaluatie- en functioneringsgesprekken. Het worden motiverende instrumenten die je naadloos integreert in jouw rol als leidinggevende of coach
  • Heb je als HR-verantwoordelijke een sterke basis om leidinggevenden bij te staan in de evaluatie- en functioneringsmethodiek van de organisatie.


“Initially, I was very sceptical about the set-up and was actually swept along in a fascinating story from the start, giving me a clear idea of what can be gained from such performance appraisals. The approach made it clear that you can extract a lot of interesting and useful info from such an interview and apply it immediately. I learned that a performance interview is not a snapshot, but should be a continuous process. As far as I am concerned, this was a very successful workshop.”

Iwein Baeyens - UZ Brussels

Iwein BaeyensUZ Brussels