Argumentation and Debate Training

About this training

Debating, arguing in a convincing way and responding effectively during a panel discussion, consultation, meeting or debate can be learned in this practice-oriented debate training.

Being able to debate well is actually a useful skill that is indispensable for any professional who wants to communicate effectively and efficiently with others. Just think of negotiations, presentations, group discussions or meetings. By conducting a constructive debate, you can better turn around resistance and come to a sound decision.

You can argue convincingly not only with a strong message but also with the way you convey the content: with confidence and in a substantiated way. Do you sometimes find it difficult to convince others of your vision? Have you ever been caught off guard by other people's reactions? Do emotions run high when others interrupt, attack or accuse you unjustly?

Communicating powerfully, clearly and persuasively so that you can win the other party over to your point of view is the key to having a successful debate. We can help you do just that.


The following skills and techniques are addressed in this debate training course

  • Basic theory and techniques of debating
  • Formulating your objective and keeping it in focus
  • Building a clear argument: structure in the conversation
  • The power of body language and non-verbal communication
  • Clearly and distinctly expressing your opinion
  • Engaging the audience with storytelling
  • Pitch your ideas concisely and powerfully
  • Communicating with inspiration and confidence
  • Dealing with difficult conversations: interruptions, personal attacks, fallacies, sarcasm or aggressive communication
  • Dealing with emotions (your own and those of your discussion partners)
  • Persuasion techniques: dealing with resistance
  • Staying in control of the conversation: responding quickly and appropriately
  • Arguing logically and strongly
  • Recognizing and catching debate tricks
  • Debate exercises and simulations to apply all learned techniques in practice

Target group

The training is designed for anyone who wants to communicate a point of view in a convincing way, especially when opinions differ during a debate, meeting, consultation or group discussion. This debate training is ideal for professionals (with or without experience) who want to make more impact with their message. 



Debate training is about arguing, presenting, dealing with resistance and above all practicing. That is why we start working with simulations and role-playing so that you can apply the techniques immediately. You will receive concrete tips and personal feedback from an experienced debate trainer.

Debating according to our method is learning and practicing at the same time. After this training, you will have mastered the skills for successful debating.



After completing this training you will be able to

  • communicate a position clearly and concisely
  • Defend your arguments effectively and convincingly
  • Deal with resistance, difficult questions or lively discussions
  • Respond appropriately to unwelcome attacks or criticism
  • conduct a debate in an authentic and relaxed manner