Persuasive Speaking - Presentation Skills
Online training course in presentation skills and public speaking. You will learn tips and tricks to deliver inspiring and successful presentations.
Effective presentations
What is covered in this online course?
- How to best prepare for a successful presentation
- What is a the perfect structure for your presentation
- Create a step-by-step process for designing an effective presentation - Make a strong impression from the first minute
- Create bright and clear slides that grab the audience's attention
- Avoid common presentation mistakes and pitfalls
- Build a good connection with the audience
- Use powerful body language and nonverbal communication
- Deal with stress and nerves when presenting
- How to make a strong impression
- Presentation techniques to exude confidence and credibility
Ce cours en ligne comprend
- 19 lessons
- 1.5 hours of interactive video
- 2 downloadable pdf (e-book)
- Lifetime access
- Learn when and where you want: on PC, cell phone or TV
- Certificate of Participation
Votre formateur
Avantages de ce cours en ligne
Leçons passionantes
Vidéo interactive, formateurs expérimentés, tâches et simulations
N'importe quand et n'importe où
Accès illimité, à tout moment et en tout lieu
Après avoir terminé le cours, vous recevrez un certificat de participation