Learning Unlimited
Unlimited learning whenever and wherever you want. Get access to our entire library now through Learning Unlimited.
Unlimited online learning
Ready to learn anytime, anywhere in an effortless way? Sure you can. Our goal is to motivate employees to spend more time on their personal development.
After all, our e-training courses are all inspiring, snackable and instantly accessible. And with the sophisticated range of online training courses in our library, you can get started right away.
Each online training course is created in-house and carries the Expert Academy quality label. The courses consist of video, interaction, tests and a comprehensive textbook.
When you have successfully completed the course, you obtain a personal certificate. Learning has never been easier!
Get access to our entire library now through Learning Unlimited.
Ce cours en ligne comprend
- Unlimited learning
- Access to the full range of offerings
- No special software required
- Learning via your laptop, PC, tablet or smart phone
- Inspiring courses
Avantages de ce cours en ligne
Leçons passionantes
Vidéo interactive, formateurs expérimentés, tâches et simulations
N'importe quand et n'importe où
Accès illimité, à tout moment et en tout lieu
Après avoir terminé le cours, vous recevrez un certificat de participation