Business Writing
Get the business writing skills to compose powerful, professional documents that get attention and prompt action.
This Business Writing course will teach you how to write letters, e-mails, memos, and reports that people understand and take seriously. You will discover how to successfully write business documents that have the desired impact.
Program of this online course:
- Communicate clearly, separating details from actions
- Writing conversationally to engage your readers
- Updating your writing style for today’s business environment
- Being specific, concrete and writing with a positive focus
- Being personal and positive
- Recognize and eliminate unnecessary words, phrases and repetition
- Substitute heavy, confusing phrases with simple language
- Salutations and openings that get attention
- Personalize your letters to create interest and establish credibility
- Write simple, to-the-point e-mails
- Create attention-getting subject lines
- Use a reader-friendly layout to emphasize main ideas
- Best practices of email etiquette
- Organize your findings into a concise, effective format
- Design strong paragraphs to state your case powerfully
Ce cours en ligne comprend
- 12 lectures
- Interactive video
- Full lifetime access
- Access everywhere on mobile, PC and TV
- Certificate of Completion
Votre formateur
Avantages de ce cours en ligne
Leçons passionantes
Vidéo interactive, formateurs expérimentés, tâches et simulations
N'importe quand et n'importe où
Accès illimité, à tout moment et en tout lieu
Après avoir terminé le cours, vous recevrez un certificat de participation